
pistachio ounce

pistachio ounce

Pistachio ounce


One of the criteria for recognizing pistachios is pistachio ounce. Pistachio ounce is a numerical measure, by which the amount of pistachio is large or small and has been similarly common since ancient times.

Equivalent to this word is the word size, which is also used in international transactions as pistachio size. Of course,

pistachio ounc

Because the smaller size may indicate a smaller pistachio, it is better to explain this definition for international transactions as well, because the party to the transaction is unfamiliar with this definition if he is new.

One of the important things for trading in the dried fruit industry, especially pistachios, is to calculate the pistachio ounce.

Consumers are usually unfamiliar with the word pistachio ounce, or it may be confused with ounce of gold. Simply put, pistachio ounces indicate the number of pistachios in a given weight.

Therefore, the smaller the numerical ounce, the larger the pistachio. In most cases, two consecutive pairs are used to express pistachio ounces.

For example, Akbari Ounce pistachio 20-22 or Ahmad Aghaei Ouncet pistachio 26-28 and similarly for other types of pistachios Ounce is proposed in this way.

In fact, not all pistachios are the same size at the same time, and this number is calculated as an average of several times to give the buyer a better view of that load of pistachios.

How to calculate pistachio ounce

First, to calculate the amount of 142 grams of pistachio ounce (note that the weight of 142 grams is a fixed and unchangeable number that has been used by pistachio traders since ancient times to measure pistachio ounce) of pistachio load The ounce to be calculated is measured with a scale (formerly measured using scales).

Then the measured pistachio is divided into five batches of pistachios (note that each batch contains only 5 pistachios) and the number of batches of five pistachios is counted.

The number of five batches available indicates the ounce (size) of the available pistachio sample.

Of course, weighed pistachios can be divided into five equal categories, now the number of pistachios in a category indicates the pistachio ounce.

Measuring the ounce of closed-mouth pistachio is similar to the above method, but the quality of pistachio in pistachio’s mouth depends on another important factor, in order to determine the quality of closed-mouth pistachio, 100 grams of it must be broken.

If the weight of the kernel reaches 50 grams or more, the desired pistachio is of good quality, otherwise the quality of pistachio is low.

There is a high variety of pistachios in Iran, including Kaleghouchi, Akbari, Ahmad Aghaei and Fandoghi. Each of these names and the type of pistachios represent different characteristics.

Of course, the characteristics of each of these types of pistachios can be different depending on the city planted.

As an example for better understanding, it is assumed that we intend to calculate the laughing pistachio ounce. Initially, use a scale, also known as an on-balance scale (although digital scales are no longer mandatory to use on-scale scales).

Using a scale, 142 grams of smiling pistachios are separated. The pistachios are then divided into 5 groups. Each batch is called an ounce. In fact, if this 142 grams is divided into 26 groups of five, we can say that the ounce of this pistachio is 26.

The ounces of Iranian pistachios that are commonly available in the market are as follows:

Ahmad Aghaei pistachio is found in 24-22 ounces, of course, 22 ounces is very rare and usually starts from size 24 ounces, which is also expressed as a single number;

Akbari pistachio can be found from 20-20 ounces, but lower ounces may also be found, which are hand-picked in the same size and have a higher price;

Fandoghi pistachio is found in 26-28 ounces, which, as its name implies, is the smallest pistachio available and its most common ounce is 28-30;

Kaleghouchi pistachio can be found from 20-22 ounces and this size is better found in the market than Akbari pistachio.

Pistachio Ounce by seeing the appearance of pistachios can show many characteristics for the expert, such as characteristics such as the percentage of the mouth closed, toasted or naturally opened.

pistachio ounce scales

pistachio ounce scales

In the following, the term seeing will be explained and other tools for recognizing good pistachios along with pistachio ounces that are needed will be stated.

View pistachio (appearance)

The appearance of pistachios (colorful and beautiful), which indicates the quality and health of the pistachio product, is called pistachio sight.

good pistachio ounce

good pistachio ounce

Pistachio that is white in color is of high quality, but pistachio that has a dull and stained color is not of high quality.

But sometimes the stains on the skin of pistachios are not a sign of unhealthiness and it is possible that the pistachios were not well peeled during the grinding or the pistachios were opened late from the tree.

This dullness on the skin of the pistachio, which may be due to late peeling, is not a very good sign because it can indicate a higher amount of aflatoxin toxin, but this is not a principle and, as mentioned, can be the cause.

As mentioned, the shape of the brain is also important in determining the ounce and reflects its quality. To determine the ounce through the shape and form, we can use another method, and that is that we weigh 100 grams of pistachios and weigh the nuts. The number indicates the amount of ounces.

If 50 grams of brain can be extracted from 100 grams, its quality can be confirmed. In addition, it is better to know that this type of dried fruit has the best quality in Kerman.

In fact, Kerman pistachio is the best type of pistachio in the world that has a beautiful appearance.

Finally, it can be said that buying small or large pistachios is a matter of taste, but paying attention to pistachio ounces for pricing and cost is an inescapable thing, and it is better to pay attention to this issue.

Of course, knowing pistachios can be useful, but to buy and consume pistachios in part, it is generally not necessary to calculate the ounce.

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